Caffeine provides superior benefits to the individual when consumed consciously. However, as a result of unconscious and excessive consumption, harmful aspects can be seen from place to place. It not only makes you lose your sleep, it also causes many negative effects on your body physically and spiritually. Although caffeine is mostly found in coffee, it is also abundant in foods such as tea and cola.

When we consider the consumption of tea and coffee in our country, it draws attention as an indisputable fact that a lot of caffeine is consumed. These drinks are taken especially at breakfast, in the office environment, in preparation for exams day and night, at the end of training and as a source of motivation in daily life. When you eat cola, tea for breakfast and coffee after breakfast, excess caffeine is stored in the body. So, what are the harms of excess caffeine ?


Caffeine, a chemical component we know from coffee and tea; In fact, it is an ergogenic support found in natural foods such as leaves and fruits. This component was discovered in 1819 by a German named Friedrich Ferdinand Runge. Caffeine is mostly found in coffee and therefore it is identified with coffee. In other words, when you think of coffee, caffeine comes to mind, and when you think of caffeine, coffee comes to mind. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine is added to cola and energy drinks later.

Caffeine, depending on the amount of use, is either very beneficial or very harmful to the person. An athlete who wants to break a record in training, a worker who has to work long hours, a student who needs to prepare for exams, etc. It offers great benefits to people. On the contrary, when consumed in excess, it causes many more problems such as insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety disorder, digestive problems.


Caffeine is frequently consumed by many people to induce sleep and to be vigorous. Frequent consumption prevents the body from getting the sleep it needs to rest. Studies show that caffeine is present in the body for about 5 hours. Therefore, caffeine consumed in the late hours prolongs the time to sleep.

In order for the body to get the sleep it needs, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of caffeine and the hours of caffeine intake. Unless attention is paid, psychological problems such as irritability and stress can be observed in the person. In the long run, it causes anxiety.


Caffeine fights a brain chemical called Adenosine, which causes sluggishness and fatigue. It prevents and reduces the effects of the aforementioned chemical. In addition, it also provides the release of adrenaline. When high doses of caffeine are consumed, these effects increase. For this reason, your body creates a feeling of tiredness, nervousness, tension and anxiety that we cannot understand.

Caffeine, which is consumed more than a thousand milligrams a day, causes undesirable behaviors such as tremor, sweating and irritability in people. In individuals who are immune to caffeine, consuming less causes similar effects to be seen. Caffeine can cause rapid breathing when consumed at moderate levels. However, filling your body with this dose at once causes the stress level to increase.

If you observe yourself frequently and feel stressed, it’s helpful to review how much caffeine you’re getting. For example, you can observe the amount of beverages such as coffee, cola, tea you drink daily and the reactions of your body accordingly. In this way, you can decide how much you should consume and how much you should not consume.


Among the harms of caffeine is that it creates addiction. Consuming large amounts of this component can lead to both psychological and physical dependence. In an experiment, people who use caffeine regularly stay decaf for 16 hours. At the end of the experiment, these people develop fatigue, headaches and other withdrawal complaints.


Many people think that coffee is effective in the rapid functioning of their intestines. Because coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which helps pertalsis, which facilitates digestion, and activates the intestines. When we increase the daily amount of caffeine, it can also cause diarrhea.


The caffeine compound may have stimulant effects on the bladder. This causes you to go to the toilet frequently at the end of caffeine consumption. In an experiment on this, middle-aged people and people with active bladder complaints were given 300 milligrams of caffeine a day. As a result of the experiment, a great increase is observed in the number of people who go to the toilet.

Excessive caffeine consumption can also cause frequent toilet needs in individuals with healthy bladders. If you are going to the toilet more than you should, you need to pay attention to your caffeine use.


Muscle breakdown can lead to serious problems such as kidney failure, as the damaged muscle fibers mix with the blood. Conditions that cause this problem include trauma, infection, drug use, animal bites, and muscle tension. However, excessive caffeine consumption can also lead to muscle breakdown.


Studies show that excessive consumption of caffeine increases muscle pressure. It can be observed that people who consume less caffeine, especially when they start consuming caffeine, their blood pressure and blood pressure increase. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and paralysis.

High caffeine consumption appears to increase blood pressure during exercise in many healthy individuals and people who are prone to high blood pressure. People suffering from high blood pressure should pay attention to the rate of caffeine consumption.


Although caffeine attracts attention as a component that gives energy to the body, it can cause great fatigue when not used. According to an experiment, people who consume caffeine wake up and experience a positive change in their mood for a few hours. However, when the next day comes, they seem to wake up more tired. In order to reduce the fatigue that comes after consuming caffeine, it is healthy to consume caffeine at a moderate level, not at a high level.


One of the harms of excessive caffeine consumption is heart palpitations. After caffeine consumption, stimulants wake up and cause the heart to beat faster. In addition, high doses of caffeine consumption cause heart rhythm disorders in young people.

This leads to accelerated heart rhythm and kidney failure. In another experiment, several patients with heart conditions were given one hundred milligrams of caffeine. There is no abnormality in the heart rhythms of these patients. From here, it is understood that to stay away from caffeine because you have heart disease. Being sensitive while consuming caffeine and consuming less when necessary saves lives.


The amount of caffeine consumed varies from person to person. Generally speaking, each individual should consume 300 milligrams or less daily. Although this applies to adults, young or old people, it is not valid for children and pregnant women. Coke, soda, energy drink, etc., which children often consume. Drinks should be limited.

The amount of caffeine a pregnant woman should take daily is 200 milligrams or less. Every pregnant woman needs to be sensitive when consuming tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

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