I love watermelons, but the problem with them is that you get tired of them pretty quickly, after two weeks of the daily ritual of eating watermelon with a knife, fork, spoon and other improvised means. Then you can complicate the moment by collecting a salad from a watermelon. I already had light fruity variations, and now heavy artillery is going into battle. Add good steak meat (or tuna).
The idea here is not only in the meat, but also in the fact that we marinate the watermelon cubes and at the same time make the sauce from the secret ingredient, thanks to which, just, you will look at the watermelons from a different angle!
In Japan, watermelons are grown in square glass jars. Initially, this was done to make it easier to store and transport watermelons, but then it became an excuse to sell these watermelons for fabulous money.
Cut off a quarter of a medium watermelon. Peel the pulp from the peel and seeds, and the peel itself from the upper part (hard). Cut the pulp into cubes of 2 cm, and the peel into strips.
In a dry non-stick frying pan, fry the watermelon rind pieces until black. Can be baked in the oven or over an open fire.
Cut the radish into thin slices, you can use a special grater.
Pour wine vinegar (30 g, on white or red wine, other vinegars will not work) and olive oil (30 g) into the bowl.
Carefully transfer the watermelon cubes to the sauce bowl and toss with your hands.
The watermelons will marinate while we prepare the sauce and steaks.
When the peel of the watermelons is fried to black spots, you can remove the pan from the heat.
Transfer them to a blender bowl and add olive oil (30 g).
Puree the sauce. Add more oil as needed to thin the sauce.
Cook steaks the way you like. You can read from me . Instead of meat, tuna (frozen or fresh) is easily suitable. Other types of meat will not go here.

Arrange the watermelon cube, sliced steak pieces, radishes on plates, and top it all generously with the watermelon sauce.